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    "Oh great creator of being, give us one more hour to perform our art and perfect our lives." James Douglas Morrison
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The Power of Money … It is Your Vote

In my last post [Capitalism Reigns… Democracy is Dead] I discussed my lack of faith in our political system and its leaders to do the right thing.  The world leaders of our most developed nations are far more concerned with issues relating to their economy than about anything else, including the global climate crisis.  Many world leaders have accepted that climate change is one of the greatest challenges of our time, and yet they are not willing or able to create significant change in this regard.  Many of our world leaders view global climate and environmental issues as separate or ‘external’ to their more pressing economical issues.  The truth is that the environment is not an externality,  climate change is not separate.  Without a healthy, sustainable planet, there will be NO economy.

Alright, so what do we do with this knowledge?  We need to understand the power of our vote.  And by that I do not mean our vote in our systems of Democratic government – as I’ve said – true democracy is dead.  We need to realize the power of our vote in the reigning system of Capitalism.  In this system we vote virtually every day, but with a different ballet known as the dollar.  We vote every time we exchange capital.  Every time that we hand over money or credit, we are voting for that product.  We are saying that we want that product, that we support that company, or that we support that industry.  We need to think very carefully about how we spend our money.  Many of us are simply voting too much, on things that we don’t need or really even want.  We are often voting for things that do not even make us feel good about ourselves.  This is rampant consumersism, this is capitalism.  This is the power of our vote.  The system of capitalism is more powerful than our systems of government.

Again, what can we do with this knowledge?  We need to accept that quick and important changes are needed for our survival.   And we need to accept that we are in control.  We are in control of what we spend, what we buy, as well as what we do not buy.  We are in control of the decisions we make.  We are in control of what industries we choose to support.  We are in control of our vote.  And all of the little things matter.  The little things add up, especially in a world in which millions upon millions of people are consuming little things every day.  Buy a reusable water, buy a Brita water filter, and save hundreds of plastic bottles every year.  Make that choice.  Choose to support reusable products and don’t vote to support the bottled water industry.   Buy reusable shopping bags [the ones made from recycled plastic] and avoid using plastic or paper bags.  Replace old incandescent light bulbs with compact florescents; vote to support the more sustainable products.  Support local produce growers.  Spend the extra dollar to buy free-range chickens and eggs.  Cut down on fast food.  Every time that you buy fast-food, you are supporting the industry of factory farmed animals and contributing to the poisoning of our food supply.  Yes, indeed the little things matter.  The little things are your vote.  Vote less often, and vote to support organic and sustainable products whenever it is possible.